Welcome to LACAS Home Tutors. You accept to follow these terms and conditions by making use of our website and services. I ask that you carefully read them.

1. Acceptance of Terms

You accept that these terms and conditions will apply if you use our website or services. If you disagree, you are not able to use our services.

2. Services Offered

With a combined 20 years of business expertise, LACAS Home Tutors is made up of highly qualified experts and seasoned home and online tutors. Doctors with PhDs and teachers with subject specializations make up our team. For all classes and subjects, we offer tutors who are highly trained and experienced.

3. User Responsibilities

Users are responsible for providing accurate information during registration. Users must adhere to our guidelines for respectful behavior and communication during tutoring sessions.

4. Payment and Billing

Payment for tutoring services must be made according to our pricing and billing policies. If nothing else is stated, fees are not refundable.

5. Privacy Policy

Our LACAS Privacy Policy outlines how user data is collected, used, and protected. The procedures outlined in our privacy policy are acceptable to you if you use our services.

6. Intellectual Property

Any materials shared during tutoring sessions remain the property of the user. Users must respect copyrights and intellectual property rights.

7. Termination of Services

LACAS Home Tutors reserves the right to terminate user access to services for violations of our terms, guidelines, or inappropriate behavior.

8. Limitation of Liability

LACAS Home Tutors is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, or injuries arising from the use of our services.

9. Dispute Resolution

In cases of disputes, users agree to engage in good-faith discussions to resolve the matter.

10. Modifications to Terms

LACAS Home Tutors may update these terms and conditions at any time. Users will be notified of changes, and continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

12. Contact Information

If you have any queries or issues with these terms and conditions, please get in touch with us.